World of tanks matchmaking unfair
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Dating > World of tanks matchmaking unfair
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Click here: ※ World of tanks matchmaking unfair ※ ♥ World of tanks matchmaking unfair
The extortionate microtransactions are offputting but you don't need them if you're a good enough player and are willing to grind it out to finally get those higher tier monsters. They did 0 dmg and very little XP and no spotting points because nobody of the enemies really did a reasonable amount of damage to my team and they simply died to quickly. Map Restrictions Map Restrictions by Battle Tier Standard Battles in battle tiers 1 to 3 take place on a limited subset of the available maps only.
The only relevance of vehicle tier is to determine the battle tier. Are Global Maps and Strongholds coming soon. If WG tries to make some kind of north of players: You can count me out of this game. Platoons IMPORTANT: If you are in a platoon, the entire platoon is placed into battles according to the platoon member in the vehicle with the highest battle tier. Weighting is performed by vehicle tier and del type, some vehicles are individually weighted, and for some vehicles there are special restrictions. Each vehicle, depending on its performance, is assigned a certain subset of these battle tiers that it is supposed to fight in. Who aspires to be a freaking turtle. I checked the Personal Piece of each idiviual and added the numbers for each team. To recap, WoT is good to begin with but the enjoyment declines the more you play. If you cannot be bothered to watch the video, Jingles basically says that if all the people were as for as HIM, then the only difference in game would be WHAT TANKS EACH TEAM DRIVE, and if the enemy team has BETTER TANKS, You will lose because everyone is as good as YOU and there won't be any ludicrous derp moments that world of tanks matchmaking unfair have resulted in you ending up north but didn't.
I don't know if it's worth the hassle any more, after reaching Tier IX British heavies without any purchases. World of Tanks is a global online multiplayer free-to-play game dedicated to tank warfare in the mid-20th century.
Matchmaking - Ich habe eine nicht repräsentative Statistik über 183 Runden gemacht. This rule may not apply, when the server is low populated.
So recently i was playing with my 5 friends using tier 10 tanks, we got a match and the. We had 5 tier 10s while the other team had alot of tier 8s and and some tier 9s and 1 tier ten. Me and my friends got really pissed because it would not be a fair play, i mean they are our enemies but seriously i'ev been in this type of situation and so have my friends. So WG PLEASE FIX YOUR MATCHMAKING this is making me angry and the other people who have been through this situation. ~ DuckyTuba998 ~ Hello tankers! So recently i was playing with my 5 friends using tier 10 tanks, we got a match and the. We had 5 tier 10s while the other team had alot of tier 8s and and some tier 9s and 1 tier ten. Me and my friends got really pissed because it would not be a fair play, i mean they are our enemies but seriously i'ev been in this type of situation and so have my friends. So WG PLEASE FIX YOUR MATCHMAKING this is making me angry and the other people who have been through this situation. ~ DuckyTuba998 ~ Dear DuckyTuba998, Just because the Tier of said tanks is below 10 does not mean that the game is an unbalanced match as most Tier 9 fully upgraded tanks are just as good if not better then some Tier 10's, if you feel that your match is not balanced feel free to post a screenshot and I'd be glad to show you why the MM likely made this match. As for being through this situation, I've seen it many times in my almost 3 years of being on this game. And in those 3 years I only play tier 8-9 normally in tier 10 platoons. As I do not like and feel tier 10s are too weak barring a few exceptions. If you truly want to not worry about this situation I highly suggest not playing in 4 or 5 man platoons as the MM searches for and attempts to put you against another 4 or 5 man. Even if that platoon is tier 8 or 9. Where you, and many others, are making a mistake is you are confusing the Tank Tier with the Matchmaker Battle Tier. These are actually 2 different numbers and can result in some confusion when the uninformed are looking at any given battle lineup. Paraphrased from the WoT Wiki PC Wiki of course, but from what I have seen, the Consoles use the same general system : Each battle takes place in a battle tier, which should not be confused with tank tiers. Team balancing within a battle tier takes place according to vehicle specific weighting and additional restrictions. Once enough candidates for a certain battle tier are found, the matchmaker tries to form two teams from them. For this purpose each vehicle is assigned a certain weight, and the matchmaker tries to keep the weight of both teams as equal as possible. Weighting is performed by vehicle tier and vehicle type, some vehicles are individually weighted, and for some vehicles there are special restrictions. Vehicle tier is not taken into consideration when balancing teams. This is a common misconception among players. For example, under the current rules a tier 8 medium can be matched against a tier 7 heavy tank. The only relevance of vehicle tier is to determine the battle tier. However, the top tanks of each team have the same vehicle tier due to the current balancing rules. While this is still the goal for the match-maker, it is not a strict restriction. Now, rarely, SPG numbers can differ by more, including one team having none while the other team has one or more. As i see it's pretty complex but trough the numbers do you not feel a problem when a platoon must be put in the MM. When i play alone the MM is more fair with a small amount of battles with +2 tiers above me. Most battles are with my tier. But when we platoon, where the game actually gets fun and interesting, the MM is making a strange mess with me playing with tanks up to +4 above my tier. If the platoon is with tanks of the same tear most 50% of the games are +2 tiers. But if one of the members is having a 1 tier lower tank, it can happen that he is playing with +4 above him? You are just a frag for the enemy. I have a screenshot and i will post it later, just to get explanation why MM is making that combination. Edited by shushkata, 14 April 2016 - 07:21 AM. Platooned yesterday with 3 tier 4 tanks med. Almost every game we played was +2, then this happened. This is one hellava way to attract said new players learning the ropes. The new players just up and quit playing to do something else. Great job WOT MM. Playing +2 tiers is fine but way too much occurance. You need to learn the game mechanics. Most but not all! Don't play those tanks if you can't handle up to +3 MM. For example, the tier SEVEN M41 Walker Bulldog is counted as a tier EIGHT medium tank for purposes of the MM. For the most part with only a few exceptions when you KNOW the rules and intentionally override them on purpose, you should always have all players play in tanks which have the same max level playable. Edited by JoeDaFrogman, 14 April 2016 - 12:02 PM. It only makes small games like that if someone was in que for almost 4 mins. You just got pulled into their match Yeah well thats me every single night due to server populations being low in my timezone. It's just tough luck trying to grind a tier 7, 8 or 9 tank as you're going to be thrown in with 9's and 10's almost every single round 7v7 or 9v9. But the low server pop isn't the only problem with match making, lets say I am playing a Jg. Pz E100 on 7v7, the team splits up to cover the vast map and I end up alone because I am slow, I get spotted by a light tank, I hit it and take all but a slither of health.. Why is there ALWAYS artillery in these tiny battles? I suffer loses due to low damage output because there are not enough targets to farm damage off. IE: GWpanther full health at end of round, killed two tanks 2k damage and fired 2 premium rounds.. The match making isn't broken and you say it works as intended, it is however, very badly implemented and the game play suffers horribly for it. It's just not worth purchasing gold for value for money in this state of play for me. I can usually go down the two teams and see what MM thinks is the equivalent of my tank, and usually they are pretty spot on. And for every game where I feel MM was a contributing factor to me losing, I have a game where the opposite happens. I play on the European servers early evening GMT, when players living further East of me from the Eurozone to Russia are well into their night's tanking, and I do notice a difference if I play on weekend mornings but it is understandable As I have become more experienced with the game I can see that when there are differences in team balance, how the MM has compensated whilst considering the numbers of players and the constantly changing available tanks in anticipation of any indignation prompted by my post, I will now assume a more hull down position.. I have to agree on the terrible MM. I've been playing my stock package M103 and almost every game I get I'm the only 9 on my team compared to the opposing team having a platoon of five 9's. I've even been in games where I'll have one 10 on my team vs two full platoons of 10's. Not to mention the Xbox one players receiving a massive advantage over Xbox 360 players. I would like to see better MM. Also I'm sick of having my team be a team full of forest gumps.